
The M2E model is a new industry combined with Token Economy, which began in the second half of 2021.

The representative model was Stephen. More than 20 models have been introduced to the market worldwide, with more than 10 million users participating into this new financial and investment complex models linked to health.

However, there was not sufficient time for verifying whether this would be a sustainable business model. The majority comment there must be limitations on such business model that is combination of exercise plans and token ecosystems alone.

The market is undergoing an experimental process with the market repeatedly bullish and bearish. With the enormous global trend mentioned above, Hello Puppy was established to positively acknowledge the possibility of a user-centered lifestyle profit-model and to create a stable structure of three-axis cycle (membership, finance, and the real economy) through rational combination of health habits, decentralized finance, and the real economy.

Above all, it was created with the cooperation and support from various investors and business runners to achieve the goal of overcoming the problem of the token ecosystem, which appears and disappears repeatedly in a short period of time and is questioned as if it were an unstable business model.

The sustainability of business model combined with Token Economy is the top priority, with the goal of ‘sustainable governance’ to establish the structure of three-axis. And then number of users increases, the token ecosystem is activated, and a healthy combination with the real economy is created. Making a stable income source for users, taking healthy life-styles, and functioning as educational places for people to learn DeFi.

Users may participate in the business with minimal risks to learn healthy lifestyles, participate in the profitable model, and increase profits through introducing the business. Based on stable operational management, the operators focus on communication with users and aim for a stable governance which is flexible to operate.

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